Edith Henson – Winnipeg Free Press, February 4 1890


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From the Winnipeg Free Press, February 4 1890 Page 6.


It looks likes Aunt Edith graduated from high school (?) in 1890. You will see her in the list of graduates with her name bolded down the page.


Measles, arid Scarlet Fever Have
Thinned, out the Promoted
Scholar!)—Their Misfortune nnt
Their Fault.
THKKK are to DP three football matches this
weak. On Wednesday the Wesley team will
play the Medicals. On Thursday the Schools
trill play an exhibition game with a team
picked from the graduates of Manitoba and
St. John’s Colleges; and on Saturday tine
Manitoba and St. John’s College teams’ meet
again. When last they met St. John’s were
triumphant, and a hot match is looked for
next Saturday.
THB executive committee of the St. George
Snowshoe club have decided that tho races for
the H. B. jjiip will be run on 1’nday and Saturday,
February 1-Hh and Ifilh. These racos
are four in number — one hundred yards, quarter
mile, half mite and mile. Tho supremacy
i» decided by points. The annual racts will be
held on the last Saturday in the month, February
22nd On February 17th the club will
hold ita annual ball. It has also been decided
that a gold medal will be purchased for W.
Oaborne, who won the H. B. cup when it was
Ust raced for. Osborne will again be a competitor
this year.
Aldermen MeMtokeii and Callivwuy
Obtaln Trijunotlons Against
The Mayor.
A McMicken, elected alderman foi ward
five Mid subsequently unseated by a decision1
of Judge Ardagh, nl”d a bill before Chief
Justice Taylor against Fonseca, the petitioner
against his return, and Alfred Pearson, the
mayor of the city.
The bill prays that it may be declared that
the order of his honor the judge of the county
court is null and void, he not having jurisdic
lion at the time to make the same, and that a
writ of injunction may ibsue restraining the
defendant, Fonsoca, from enforcing against
McMicken the said order, and also the defendant,
Alfred Pisir«on, from acting upon the
order made by the judge.
It is contended that the eountyjudge should
havt adjourned the CUSP from day to day na
provided by tbo statute, and not vrith an interval
of sever*! daya between tho adjoumment,
And that on that ground he had no jurisdiction
in the matter to deliver any judgment.
His Lordship granted the injunction returnable
on Friday next. Mr. Mulock, Q.C..
for plaintiffs.
Callaway v. Pearson. In this case a bill
has been filed by plaintiff against the mayor
for an injunction to retrain the mayor from
acting in auj way on the order of the county
iiidgo unseating plaintiff as alderman and from
interfering with the right of the plaintiff to’sit
and vote at the meeting of the council. An
injunction will be applied “for this afternoon.
The results of the promotion examinations
held in the public school H last week are herewith
published. The promotions it. the junior
standards are not so numerous us usual, owing
to the attendance in the cfasEcs having
been interfered with, in December by
meuHles, and in January by ” la
grippe.” The list of pupils advancing
into the collegiate department io largo, numbering
fifty nwies. The effect will bo to increaso
very considerably the work in that- department,
so much so as to necessttEite an uugmentation
oi the teaching1 st.iff by the
employmtnt (if a teaches in elementary mathematics
and piobably history.
Junior Standard 4 in Cejil r.il nchool No. 2
takes tlip lea<‘ in punctuality, having had only
one pupil late during the whole term.
Tho pupils Mill Like their places in their
clnssea to-day, according to tho itsnlts of tho
examinations. The day will be spent in
classifying- and providing text book?, und the
regular work will begin on Wednesday morning.
Standard V to VI—Bruce Anderson, Nellie
Jones, Agnes Nield, Jennie McCechnie, Min- i
nie McLeod, Daisy Pogg, Annie Le Cappel- j
lain, Eva Jayne’s. Eva Leavine, Kathleen I
BrnndrU, Alice Schmidt, Georgie Keid, Flora
Sinitli, Annie .Masters, Vera McGregor, Minnie
Thompson, Bella Monro, Birdie Preston,
Charlie Whiting, Koy Dolseii, Jas. Fulthorp,
Fred Mitchell, Frank Beech, Frank Harris,
Henry Hamiltan, Amber Ghtnn, Walter Button,
Henry Cook, Donald Ferguson, Dinn
Bunjamints Lilly Wilson, Loiuse Cameron,
Florence Borland, Enos Briggs, John Fulthorp,
James McVicar, Aimie M. Scobie,
Beatrice Likinp, Nellie Stinson, John Anderson.
Standard VI to VII—John Munroe, Sydney
Peirce, George Halpenny, Mary Hutchison,
Mary Ry.iii, Aitken, Estelle .Davenes,
Hollib Thomaii, Ida Wjnberg, Harry Scott;
Fred Hacking, Walter Bishop, Frank Callander,
Arthur VVjlthain, Fred Smith, Dorothy
Kutledge, Katie Martin, Mary Finkelstein,
Annie Chirk, Ada Woodhead, Agues Kii-kwood,
Millie McGonnan.
Standard VII ta VIII-Alice Anderson,
rsaoini Barnes, Gertie Curiie, Minnie Harrington,
Nellie Huttun, Gertie Hurris, IScaaie
Mathieson, Emma Palk, Clara Paulin, Beai
trice Suttie, Jennie Doupe, Albertha Ttnt,
Alffer Broatch, Percy Banning William
Brooking, Joseph Crawford, Alex. Campbell,
Charlie Hislop, Bruce Mercnr, Laron Orris;
Stephen Paul»3n, .Russell Rilcy. Geo. Enblee,
John Swan, Jacob Tapper, David Woods,
Willie Le Cupiiellain, Geo. Cleverly, Grant
McMicken, Fiecl Corbett, Jessie Grieve, Flossie
Hargrave, Nellie Kagnrice, Manon Mc-
Leod, Josephine Yeates.
Standard VIII to Collegiate.—Amy Alderson,
Ethel Brnden, Uruee Brooking-, David
Brown, James Clark, Archer Cowan, Lillian
Cull, Arthur English, Susie Hall, Herbert
Lipsett, Maud Marshall, Alex, McArtliur,
Gregor McGregor, Annie O’Donohue, Georgina
Kuddell, Jemima Tait, John Wadge,
Maggie Woods, Maggie Young, Allio Insull,
Fred Insull.
Standard I to II—Daisy Emslie, Katie
Briggrs, Amy Jettreya, Cora Lawson, Clara
Parson, Sydney Carter, Willie Smith, Clara
Kobinson, Walter Stevenson, Edith Henson,
Leita Brown, Georgie Keith, Francia Jones,
Stuart Campbell, Joseph Wright, Tom Ryan,
Horace Koy, Andie Miller, Fred Archibald;
Douglas Adam*, WillieBoland, Susie Thompson,
Harold Priue, Willie Soar], Washington
Burden, Frank Young, Freddie Ci-.tig, Gordon
Irvine, Bei-tie Henderson, Freer Brock,
Herman Davidson, Kathleen Porter, James
Dickson, Clarence Jordon, Kenzie Wishurt,
ThoHiaa Gislason, Ethel Kinch.
Standard I]., to III.—John


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