Obituaries for Herbert Hensley Henson

This page contains three obituaries for Herbert Hensley Henson that were clipped from newspapers.  However, there are two points to keep in mind.  First in most cases the articles were cut out of the paper but the name of the newspaper and the date was not recorded.  Secondly, in general the obituaries of the day were tall and thin.  In order to make them legible on a modern computer screen they were cut up and displayed as columns that can be read left to right.

Obituary of Herbert Hensley Henson in the New York Times

In this case the newspaper is known.

Herbert Hensley Henson Obituary New York Times

Obituary in New York Times



Two shorter obituaries

These two shorter obituaries were clipped from newspapers. Note that the authour is visible in one case.

Herbert Hensley Henson obituaries

Obituaries from two newspapers

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